Sterilization at Dental Clinic 

  • Sterilization is essential to ensure safe treatment of people.

  • It also ensures that all medical and surgical instruments should be free from infectious pathogens like viruses and bacteria.

  • The COVID-19 global outbreak has emerged as a challenge to public health & the world of work. So, it’s very necessary to decontaminate and disinfect all medical devices.

  • Clinic Eximus and the team continued their job with proper care & safety. We understand the risk associated with this dangerous pandemic therefore we follow COVID-19 guidelines strictly.

Step Involved in  Sterilization

Biosonic Cleaner

Step 1:

All the Instruments are cleaned properly to remove the blood stains by Scrubbing & cleaning in running water and Biosonic Cleaner.

Instruments dried Properly

Step 2:

All the Instruments are then dried Properly.


Step 3:

These Instruments are then Packed in Sterilization Pouches and then transferred to Autoclave.

autoclave machine Dental

Step 4:

In an autoclave machine steam under pressure kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi to Prevent infection Further.

UV Chambers

Step 5:

Then the instruments are transferred to the UV Chambers to avoid contamination.

Sterilization at  Clinic Eximus

Clinic Eximus has always kept Sterilization and Hygiene as one of their top priorities since 2004. Since its inception, we have invested in world-class sterilization equipment and facilities to ensure the safety of our Patients. Our Internationally approved sterilization protocol certified by ADA has enabled us to render services at our centre during the peak of the Pandemic in April 2020

  • 4 Steps International Sterilization Guidelines issued by ADA are followed.
  • Operatory and Procedure rooms are Properly Fumigated.
  • Staff are properly ready with their PPE Kits before the Procedure.
  • All Staff are Fully Vaccinated.

Patient Care & Comfort
is our Top priority.


Sterilization destroys all microorganisms on the surface of an article or in a fluid to prevent disease transmission associated with the use of that item

Sterilization destroys all microorganisms on the surface of an article or in a fluid to prevent disease transmission associated with the use of that item.

Sterilization can prevent Many Communicable Diseases like HIV, AIDS, Cold and Cough, COVID and many other Diseases.

1. 4 Steps International Sterilization Guidelines issued  by ADA is followed.

2. Operatory and Procedure room are Properly Fumigated.

3.Staff are properly  ready with their PPE Kits before the Procedure.

4. All Staffs are Fully Vaccinated.